I wonder how arab muslims could have sided with ANC giving their long history of negro slave trading, as well as, in virtue of umma solidarity, muslims from other parts of the world.
As them muslims were not given the choice of the cast they would fit in, while many sport white skin under the tan, maybe Apartheid lost there a bunch of loyal allies. Remarkable enough, other asians like northern chinese, japanese or Philippinese people become white-skinned once they leave the agricultural work, from evidence given by photos taken in the XIXth century compared with today's. That is to say how a flawed one a race criteria could morph in at the edge.
So there must be one other hidden criteria applying to the coloured class because it could not be only the color of skin as the Apartheid pretends. Of course everybody was well aware you needed to be dutch, british or close parent in order to evolve among the choosen, say of christian european blood fame as one hardly imagine how turks or albanian would fit in. The fact it was a criteria unspoken of enraged asians even more, appart that many came from civilizations once advanced, unlike the Zulus although they also may have been among the first advanced ones.
What may have upset them asians, moreover after being called coloured along with the mixed race contingent as to deepen even more their animosity by ignoring the inner race-pride self, could well be the criteria which the separate developpement policy was based upon, not the policy itself: after all, being used to cast system, they all would have been happy to be part of it, provide not to be lodged in the last slot. Considering there was a hierarchy degree between coloured and blacks, they even would have enforced the policy, much like in India, where the cast system is still at work albeit unofficially.
The point is that afrikaans could not have enforced such flawed a policy of apartheid on their own, nor conceived it, otherwise they never would have been taken seriously, being simply not strong enough and lacking the necessary credentials. At any rate afrikaans could not import indentured labourers from Asia. Consider the uneven association between predators and preys like muslims and Africans in the ANC, you need a much powerfull entity to achieve that.
Of course the force behind Apartheid, an offer afrikaans were not in position to refuse, could only be the british Empire, inspiration and army, nothing less. It just happend the british managed to put the blame on "fellows" afrikaans for all the evil once the interest faded away, and the later are still paying the price.
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